Al índice |
Llama la atención sobre la palabra que va justo antes, no tiene significado en sí mismo.
El tipo de atención depende del contexto, pongo unos pocos ejemplos.
自分こそは - jibun koso wa - yo mismo.
Esta frase expresa implícitamente la idea de que vas a ser tú, y no otra persona quien ...
La ponemos en un contexto para que se entienda:
kono shigoto, jibun koso wa yatte miseru
Precisamente yo (yo mismo) te enseñaré este trabajo.やってみせる - yatte miseru - estoy decidido a .... Forma てみせる - te miseru del verbo やる - yaru. Ver aquí.
Esta frase puede indicar el entusiasmo por saber hacer un trabajo que otros no pudieron hacer.
O entusiasmo por terminar un trabajo que quedó sin hacer.
Si supieramos más cosas sobre la conversación que esté teniendo lugar podríamos afinar más con el significado.
En la frase
kore koso wa seiki no dai hatsumei da
Éste (y no otro) es el gran invento del siglo.
こそ acentúa que, de entre otros inventos, este invento es el mejor.
La frase.
anata koso kekkon shinasai yo
Precisamente eres tú quien debería casarse.
Si se trata de alguien que va por ahí diciéndole a todo el mundo que por qué no se casa, la frase significaría: "¿Por qué no te casas en lugar de andar diciéndole a la gente que lo haga?"
O sea, que no se traduce, pero sí (hay que hacer algo para que la traducción contenga el matíz expresado por こそ
This year, I definitely want to pass the JLPT.
Next winter, let's definitely go skiing!
This is exactly the book I was looking for. I finally found it.
Health is my greatest asset.
He is the one who is truly needed by this company.
[V(辞) + ことこそ]
Jogging every day is exactly the key to dieting.
Sleeping is the best way to relieve stress.
It is not memorization, but developing thinking skills that makes learning in schools and cram schools valuable.
[普通形 + からこそ]
Precisely because I'm busy, I want to cherish the time with my family.
It's precisely because I studied abroad that I came to appreciate the goodness of Japan.
Verb + 点(で)
[い]Adjective + 点(で)
[な]Adjective + な + 点(で)
Noun + の + 点(で)
Phrase + という + 点(で)
使用域一般About 点
点 is a kanji that is regularly used to express a specific 'point', 'spot', 'aspect', or something similar. When attached to the end of the attributive form of another word, it will highlight that word as a point of interest within the sentence. This is regularly translated as 'from the aspect of (A)', 'in respect to (A)', 'in terms of (A)', and other similar phrases that simply draw attention to something.
To use 点, attach it to the attributive form of another word, a noun followed by の, or a phrase followed by という. In many cases, 点 will be followed by the case marking particle で, but other particles may be used depending on the sentence.分からない点でお困りでしたら、こちらまでお電話 をください。
Please call here if you have any trouble with parts that are hard to understand.
漢字 の一番難しい点は、読み方が沢山 あることです。
The most difficult aspect of kanji is that there are many ways to read them.
アプリは使 いやすさと便利さが一番重要な点で、見た目などはあまり綺麗じゃなくてもいい。
Ease of use and convenience are the most important aspects of an app, so it is okay if it doesn't look too pretty.
イギリスの食文化 はいくつかの点でスペインの食文化と違 う。
Food culture of England and Spain is different in several aspects.
10万人 のユーザーが居るという点では凄いと思 う。
In terms of having 100,000 users, I think it is amazing.Sometimes, で (as 'with' or 'at') may be replaced with expressions such as について 'in relation to (A)', or からいうと 'speaking from (A)'. So long as the grammar structure that accompanies 点 is also used to highlight something specific (and can be paired with a noun), it will sound natural.
分からない点について質問 はありますか?
Do you have any questions in regards to something you don't understand?
以上 の点から言うと、来月までにオープンすることは不可能という事 ですね。
Based on the points mentioned above, this means that it is impossible to start business by next month, right?
日本語 にひらがなとカタカナと漢字があるという点から考えると、中国語は大分違 う。
Japanese is very different from Chinese in that Japanese has hiragana, katakana, and kanji.
<p>説明 (Explanation)文法(Grammar):Nこそ・からこそ(理由)
意味 (Meaning):「こそ」が特定の要素や感情を強調しています。「からこそ」は原因や理由を強調する際に使われる表現です。
英語(English):"こそ" emphasizes specific elements or emotions. "からこそ" is used to emphasize reasons or causes.
例文 (Examples)来年こそJLPTを受けたい。
家族のサポートがあったからこそ、私は夢を実現できた。ひらなが (Hiragana)
かぞくのサポートがあったからこそ、わたしはゆめをじつげんできた。英語翻訳 (English Translation)
I want to take the JLPT next year for sure.
I want to go to Japan this year for sure.
I will study tomorrow for sure.
Effort is indeed the key to success.
Because they're family, I speak the truth.
Because of the effort, I am where I am now.
Because Tanaka-san was here, this project succeeded.
Because of the tough experiences, I became stronger.
Because of my family's support, I could achieve my dreams.
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Copyright © Helena Rivero
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